|TEM 74559
§PRßU-W0BH l#r.;*ffi
=yJltyü- 71§rt7Z
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* lc - t* H t h 6 17 -). > oW.W:-,nFnA +' üt
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. @ryr&iHBE= riL.??t,-#öäEFf 1...1*€ L<<
Ioarefully read and understand this instruction
manual prior to use. Also read and follow the
instructions supplied with any airbrush used. AThis
symbol denotes safety precautions, which should be
read caretully and adhered to atalltimes.
XKeep these instructions foryour future reference. h-)t,.-7 lEsß)
a9l'*+N)öäri 7. l*X++ad!§AW (7117 v>, aa t \>. :./:,/ )'-. ri, t) r+' :P-,*A
@iE< ?ll*&tli.GH Läu.?< rad,Lr.
a1>-r r'r+l**p^c7 d-1, *tl*ßtf l.rrg Lt L\<; < ti:: L\.
TEanrEEä+är:rL'e^r:, *Er.J r*ti5Et*a ät.HI,r<4äEft ,rä6, =i
&t L<&!\* t" f&@ErnßfEE Lä L\r < /:i: L\.
af'lwaAcTrJt -t**.1>-7 v v +r-gB1:l" +6d) E§l.GE L äL. t'< l: i!i'.
a§;Hä\40'cu_to: ca?t*GE Lä1.<.< t:ü1.. iättl.laaEp^x@EE r.-;, *
aE+?läGELri;L\?<Ei!!r. */.- *Oääää.ä- E5?l:.ra)+L'=r?rä*Eii
l.&8. e€L7:jL.Z.< l:tL'. EiE+Ail:AFBEä r*t
abn't +v*l$. Ac74 7r-. IEX-- i.Z|a5rjr.<</:tr.
alEr- lj{=- ,Eäi.f.Eh<€ELr:rl'r< f:tL'- ti!Dr.:F r-
aEXr - F tg?1,är.<.< l:tL'
ar- Fotlrlr\€ot@€r.r,
atrrrzrFä.Etf <Bä1*- ACVq-J, *t*E#)7lht'7<r2
a€;Ff f.,5\1Eät:€ä rtE6 i.ff trä.+rt L. r=1,h7t<-+}-€^*vci,§<ri
arExT.r- DCJ -ttt, E-*<-8.t.=LiÄtu?< r:t1..
:r - IjäB l,rE?r.r. *EL6lr/., L äL\< < l:-* U&Bd)F.AL.tt)=t
qaaa ) ,t.1:,'!e> | lt B*äL'r< ,at L'.
alaPlaa*)Jrl a E*tzGE L6r.? < ,lür."
-FEd0)=EZ+i/iuti,ä\+ Ltxr, 4bfire*z 4a4 a Lb6, *t"
aEALz30r!{-toilEt*Läl\T <t:-*L\. lot&,ELfräl0-lsr{*2Jrt*€Z<fji!
a83-AiEl < LzA=Efi ,z'< /ai!L'"
aEEät:itt. ^c7 47r-a)- F. J. 2. 1>Jv.r r-*fiq74', +Lls.rlp?H
nrr;r..'äZ=E L<'< /li!L\.
aa.E7 - r -t tt6x LtsL'&ailtLT< /at1.. *1'.#1<üar)Üfit t)&Ha&tifr
Eti- rft7,2<l:*1."
a, f Ee§=. iEiE€@=r\$!&rß.EH Lli!\?< /:ü:r\.
aEiEr:T. €EtE- fi;äö0lcul.oqq".lr&H. R€ L äL\-r < rai! L\.
aqF,q= hL'r.'1*+ *Ä<&,EL<<l.iSL'. fr &LLAf+€Z&L'i 6eE-r-0)ä
tEl.JnIL<. äfi . äEor{Etr:;r.-r-or;+üL<<l:tt..
a=>, >', :,...1r8. AC7 I 7, -IaF'il*€?tr-ättriL\?<ra;!:L\. ättri<t'/,</i
a ßg<D&$'Pfi *ä 5 ,.rer.<' < r:i! L\.
aetaäo)iE<f. g"fltE', -iv l- @,Eä*ffi <rtä*LtL'a<f:isL'
aDo not use compressoraound a open ilame, gäs, orcombustibles.
aDo not disassemble the compressor or AC adapter.
Fällure to adhere !o lhese instructions may result in fire, elecirocution, and/or sedous in ury.
alncluded AC adapter is only for use with this ak compressor Never use with oth€r products.
aTo prevent malfunction and/or fke due to ovefteating, do oot use in temperatures or ,ro'C
aDo not use outdoors. l(eep away lrom water, moisture, and dust, as lhsss can lead to
electrccutid orfires.
aDo not touch the .ompressor, AC adaptd, or power cable with wet hands.
aAlways ünli€ the po\dor cabl€ befor€ u§e.
aNewr damage the power cable.
aDo not pull, excessively bend, or place heavy oblects on the power cable.
awhen unplugging lrom a power outlet, always hold ths Ac adaptsr body and not the cable.
aDo not uE compressor if lhe power cable is damaged. Contact your local Tamiya doater tur
aEnsure that AC adapter and DC plug are fully and @nectly plugged in befo.e use.
aswitch otf, disconnecl DC plug, and unplug AC adapter when not using compressor, or
berore perlorming maintenance.
aDo not useror purposes othe.than painting models.
aonly use wiih the included AC ädapter, and wilh power sourc6 specifed on ÄC adäptor.
A crurroH
Failüro to adhsre to these instructions may resutt in damage to the equipment or peßonal
aTum ofi compressor and allow to cool down tor 10-15 minutes alter every 30 minulss of use.
aEnsure adequate ventilation wh€n painhng.
aAlways check AC adapter cable, plug and cornpressor power §witch for damag€ berore use.
aEnsuro that AC adapter, plug and cables ars not in a Position where tfiey can be sl€pped on
or tripped ove. du.ing use. Put away when comPressor is not in use.
aDo not use in an unsaf€ power outlet.
aDo not use or stor€ in direct sunlight, humid condjtions, or in temperature§ below orc.
ause in an environment with clean ajr. Arrbome paint parlicles' etc. may cbg rhe motor coil,
c4sing ovefteating and damage.
aDo not cover comp.essor or AC adapter dunns@, as thia can lsad to ov€ft€ating and
acompressor may becoms hot du ng and aftsr us€.
aAlways place and stor€ compressor on a l€vsl surface.
aAvoid forcetul shaking or shocks.
aDo not paint around srnall childr€n, pets, or food and beverage§.
awearing protective goggles or masks while parnting is recommended.
ffiEftE zlv-z-7 avJv,vü- 7l:t\22 rena z+sss
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xffi ärErFLrirt4E Eore^ä\
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E-#*E ,iHtE / 20 4.
74559 SW Air Compressor advance