Tamiya 300074514 Bruksanvisningar

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?§A 7JV-2-2 HG 7-t\-7v'(2l7-7'i9
I *.f€EE']"r..,r'dqIr§L\liE=äri6rrrär\. x. t€Eä&ö17-fi Ef.J A.clurrolrs
l@ED*L\ärEl€-,z'ris#rrIFr. -&ETä!\.
*!T*I)('iOEE I.IJEE U'IL\?Tä L\C
*^ia)iE< ?lr. *s§E!*&üi!§ft*ä Lrit\?Tä L\
*rlrnlF.- ^,IoDBä,'Ffi?o)*t{*. lEl.lL Utdl\?Ta L\.
*^tt^,) nZ f'J lr läi6fi (i UtrL\?-Fä L\o
*81€@H. &ih5äf.JB. ttc9J0)iE < ?uiÖltiE6:E U /r L\?Tä L\.
* av -4, > a =- l: )ta9t6trä<,äh aq"EDr -?tü@Et!t.ßf§EL
,ru-e-I.ärid *t . +^hä{TlIr+t/l:tärt*DäL\r.*!1,--Für..
*a!*@Flr:3+l, vTlid,l+? v 7 AV<ZI*LT F äL\+t y 7t l,rrL\
t o**#*|ailHä. ßt HE r.ti, iF9"
,=-l: tth,\-t^1,<lr*ä L/JL\..Tät\ö =- FrLärLt u<EF?q"
*r7 -a., ztlet ä*. *t rv -fi- ^z*ffit öE*.,14 a7 - a$\ß
ärtd,<r.5röiär'rTä L!
* Caßfrlly .ead and undersland the ansrruciions prior ro use- Bead
and followalso the manulaclucr's instruclions supplied wirn lhe sepa-
Gtely available äir source (prcpellant can or aircompreso4.
* U* the airbtush torspray painting only,
* Do not ose or prcpare the aiötush around a llame-
* Never painl nea.children oranimals.
* N6ver painl a peßon oranimal.
* Oo not paint nearlood or drink.
* Ventilats the room whil6 painting.
*The anbrush needle has a sharp poinr. Careless or inadequale han-
dling may cäuse serious acci.le^is Oo not rcmove the needle and/or
ils cover except ior maintenance. Romoval ot lhe needle cover from
the anbrush eiposes the nedlewhile painrinq.
*Anach the cove.to the painr cup dunng use. Opened clp may cause
*Slop the an supply when atiaching/removing the air hose, and dundg
disassembly ol lhe airbrlsh,
* lt is rocommended to wear prot€crile qlasses/goggles and mask
, : 1"r'6+tär'.-rL\ a *80) ) > 7 l-.v
t-\5. 17-h>zr 7-ffiL t <EH<ä
&'1" T7 -> )1> faßro)+-rt4 7lJ.
st 4J\P F 1/a zaü)<t "d't Z*1t b)
t!+ a t-7{1ä^-^t Ht L r f äl\" ,:
P*):1910) + r', 7 7 lJ. fr Pll.äbrj!\rEa
*a7-r>tFBl6Ue$. B\fro)7 t t
,l>f]ev lh<4,E?l "
Your Tamiya Airbrush requires a separalely ava I
at lo air source luch as propellanl cdr or airconF
pressorfor operation. Always @ad and follow the
manuiaclurer's caulrons rnclucled wnh the arr
source- Joint cap is of type-S, PF-1l8, 28 spec.
Use only a compaiible ak.egurator hose-
* Compatible adapter set may be required when
using a prcpellant can.
q-z__iy_.zo*a ,
^-7o)*frZqäLZlt. t a< t l#o)
+r, ) äl, )h,D üüöLl.<. 7:7-L*ah<
irr\ j - ti;llä t,<Tä t\" 1F*+ 17 -+, h
är++UzL\ä L, 4#l@Hrnr*< rJäu t
h\ö D *t "|Ai.!7 -h >t{aB-f ä t:=tJ.
av -ttt)1\§,ä L- lF*ttrt"<t\<r.ri7
ätHtt <r\*4" LDoFE: t-r\,7',rrl <
td)< t*,) z tktiD t7 h'4ft.t .i'tEz
Sc,ew a, hose onlo airbrush. making su.e lhere is
no leakage of air at connectors. lmproper attach'
menl ot the connector will result in poor painting
results and loss of airsupply.
O:r= -r) |-sEota
a7-t\1r1, -< > ts
Hose connector with ai.slop valve
72V-J-t ACreF])>7Vyt-
Tamiya Air Compressor SW-653
Air sources lavailable seoärärelvl
" 7)t -'r-)
77V_., 2Nc1>7,,rir_ a7_h>
Tamiva Spray-work HG Air comoressor Prope lant can
*7a L-1-t a7-1. >12 t lAa> 7V tt-t fEH?ä e6^
* arso usable wirh comp.essor lor Tam iya spray-work ar.btush ser.
-i.71V-2-? HG 1>7v t+,- (fril+.)
:i Tam ya Spray-Work HG an Compressor (availabl6 separatery)
7J t-' -' a7-). rL., l-o->a
v,r t - ä{*fr§ äEA l*. Bo) l a Lrv -
, i 1> ln"ßEeI-EX*lA L <Tä L\.
* --L7 - J \)ta, a < > F tmD f'jl7L* :* a'
ftfrtät. 117 t rt- h\zbt1-t7 "
* a7-h >dER ä'*e $.,bt.L7 - /\
)ta, a1> l- ZW.DI-l aJ(Tär,\"
When using the ak compressor included in the slan"
dard Tamiya Spray-Work Anbrush System, rcmove
an slop valve and spring as shown.
* Nce[edüg this wiu dsr.gc lrE @np!.ss-
*Make sure to attach air stop valve d sp.ing when
usinq a pmpellani can.
*r7-ütcorrL\t i. u.h,D vb;Lareg"
* Check lor air le.ks
Hos6 connecto.iining
O*aoreosm 17-t\)L1t i1> l- (t!Or7-älF,E)
Hose conneclor w/air srop valve (cäns and
*t driEi5t.i+ä r,<T ä r\
I Ma*e sure nor io ovs/righten.
äfloitäl*Eo j- 1., *o*,h'6lrt <h<
-ii5d?f 6 äEErrE;E?r" Efilt5lrüt
&äE: ?ißä t#tr,1,<Tä L\" B[8o7.^.
7fi F/LidEt*iEL\t.rdä LfFi!?t. E)lGl
o)it 3 llEli]oE§tsit4.*l+L t: ) a *b D
*.q " 4*Lrr2t J.^f v,Ti)to*ßFn
\5.2. t\>l.i7l-vRt t,<'aäE U TTä t\.
*TH ä9dt75 0) HE-Cq.äät. UrTäU\"
Most lar paints are too thick to spray. Th€ paint
should be lhinned unlil it drips as shown. lJse a
mixing jar (not included)to thin pai.t and stir using
a glass rod, plastic sprue, erc. The paini thickness
§ritable tor spcying dilteB acco.ding to the type ot
painl used, atmosphercftemperatureconditions etc.
Tesi späy using pldtic sprues or parts sc.aps and
adiusl thickness prior to painting a moclel.
*Dlagram shows rough guidelines otlh,nn'ng ratio
.L7-, =1, | (77v-r-rt '/ I&EW)
O ,"' ""
Too thick. ,/ Good. ,' ,/
t ,jw\ ,E-
/ c'a.d, 1/
,'/ ,//
rrr EFr ,/// ,/.
pa,nr lh,hner /,,/ O
. 'y h-*:Etl
r+ t )v*'8ll 7 t u )tr<Bltul:l
Acrylic/water based L\c>'\
4t6l : -rö&
'l: 1- 2: 3
4tl : -!.däE
1: O- 2: I
*iff ,\t\*rrz,erdEß. E*läi'öDl. U * q.
*2,h-+tä'Er,LZe, to)*itlJr; D t3.
* The thinnerlhe palnt becomes, the finer a m st
* A too thick lacquer paint wi I rcsult in a spider-
*eflä^tL. + | t2Zl,tt"
* Filpaint c!p and altach cover
g;71qgE :Illat,4
1 ') r7-tVta, )< > l-ltrZ
I 1 > V t \- 2J l,frt l: r:V - O Arh\d. I
l.F Ur}75r5ää {iBl< LEflh<.,/ a.)th'au
<Ztt" l1>l.,t\- tEl< l*81.. El€l@
W.Z VllJ,<taD*t"
2) aV-Y a1> lltt
I I > V / \-OEtEr.Afff /d <. rr-ttl 7
-r t,r r -o 71 t + o N 1'Hhtr.tüEt/d
D*1" =_ t:,t,z t-,y./(_OG l\rlj. r
7-t\lta, a1> l-liZ t.Ftü-e, "
(=- F,lZ F y/r-Offig)
=-Frl,7.Fy/\-o)liE<. l1> V t\-0)
tlä ü 4Zg181. s+;r.lrüe b D li:-
F./11 l-. y,/(-äElAL, El Z U äärxä < re
trt!{;ätrltT;EB U <Tä t\.
*a:V-/\)t), a1> Flrj= o)1ۊ?$. r
7 -a 2 '*1b.7wr)617 -Ehli&lt<
*E lr "lEhF]ßglt:L7 -irFßll?li: zTä t t.
Airbrush wath air stop valve: First, only the air will
start llowing by slightly pulling the trigger. 8y fur-
iherpulling, ihe paint mist willbesprayed trom the
nozzle. The lurlher the trigger is pulled back, rhe
more päint is sprayed. Aiörush withoui äir stop
valve: The arr wrll contnuously llow whrle the ar.
compressor power switch is iumed on, whether the
tngger is pullec, or not.
Main valve movement cd be adiusled using ih€
needle stopper. Tum the stopp€r counterclockwase
to increase main valve movement and paint llow,
for a heavaer/bmader sF-ay. Adjust accordang to rhe
*The air pressure can not be adiusted on the
airbrush. Adiust al on the air source, il adNstable.
0:1)1) O't 9S9 TAMIYA
lr-7-a'2 rot3El,
How lo hold atrbrush
/l,rrjU ,L\
7:7-l\rta:i =1> lfEF]
Hose conneior vair slop valve
TAMIYA INC. ), ) - - e -, 1 ta st: a 7 -') -i t (luti!)
äfSE&: l? 7 t-l(-atl=UaE^Z <"ß
El,*ü" üäff UEEESIJ I o-1 5cnrri6*-e
?" iE?ää LElolärfctr\5'l <. #tatä a
&E*Girrffi < i§D:t?.
-1>F*YtaEoS*: =- l'rrL7. F'v,/\-
äE+;tä{r D l.Et . Blä u aä^a < u*.1 "
Elslo&äH t Er§,,t§< iJD. E*6l.iEJ
rJ<68iHär/EtLE< < /§6tör, fiäß{JEE
itrr I cm!)(Trd5. tr O.5 nnD(To)ffiä6äE?
ä Z Lt,EJBE'C?.
Painting lar96 areas: locrease trigger movement.
Allow abod 1 0-1 scm distance between the anbrush
and objecl. Spraying too close results in paint runs
and sags; while spraying too far away lesults in rough
Spraying lines and camouflags patterns: Tum the
needle adjuster clockwise to reduce vigger/needle
movement and paant flow. Al a spray distance of
less than , cm, it is poesible to splay a line of 0.5mm
*^fi,o)E < -r,J. fttli I.EE:E L, /d I \?-F ä L\"
*Z.?&ft ä& < l,(E#L<Tä!\.
*EtlD. Eßto)&ffiäl*rl,zTä t\. *
tEa7 - h > ä/Efr U t Ee ß. D'X 11 > E V
+r L-r-ä'5 rJd l,<Tä!\.
*60) EtiElgo)lä-!\E o4*tjä t r-Fä L\"
E*Eir{E < < ä - L (ha U )h\ö D *t "
*/.JE[ärBAL\Eäl*^;r{Ht5? < rd D *r"
*^.t- F, -r l7 -tiE]a**+-rE*,1ä+tEä
'€äz t tiL,äL\?Tär\"
* Neverwork near an open flame.
*Make sure there is adequate ventilation.
* Always turn oft compressor and disconnect
power source after us€. After using a prcpellant can,
rcmove air rcgulator from it.
* Avoid painiins on windy, rainy or humid days.
* Do not dry paint with hair dry6r, etc.
EX6'*. d,f?<E+^häLzTäL\"
aE$)h,v A tfi*ßa+^l,L
*.t EHZ.h',2ä"5 H Lz6*ßärlitrrfiid
8?öä< L\, Effi U Lä*+o)Eäl(t?0&)ä
7\NL, +" raäü*t" :- 1.../rZ F v./l-
ä L\,l{r\l.@äür, =-t: )tht\-ftffitß,
ä 3äf " r7-äiX D Id] / 1 > l- ) \-ä11
< L. r7-rrüihr,<ßEßärlEzä4. BFI
ht)t*16 < tsä*.T 2- 3E< DiEl-är,
*=- 1../l,orti#tJ$t <,äE?AoT, BD&
!\t.t*fiä,+Ei u<Tä L\" x. +r, v 7+,ü\
ox(4n,\)ä'5E§Järftufr-n z t #60*
q" ERttr I.EäINTAB'dL\} ',+EIJ<
I\" EEE ä?LL\'dBFIä tL<'Iitrfi 'J äI'
*.zt'Jv<, ) 7)v/.*ßr ift)+ u *r.
* t. P h. -iFV h -fi +- l-.ESä D 6Sl
t*- ftffil*t liBt rFn'€EErJTtfi*U<T
äu" E*6r$frlr$ät /J< id D *3."
a) 7)vo)+^h
./ 7 )th ) \-2 $q u. .,/ 7 )vq)*.b o o)8H
€. *,-EHJä?trTB75'L, ift. L*?. A
*+. älclotrr'rr# <,rd 2 LD, ?ÄYt{.H
ä &. a Ltrz f. 6 + ^hä t, <Tä L\"
Clean immediately after finishing painting. Never
allow paint to dry in the airbrush. rozzle orcap.
acleaning insidethe airbrush and cup: clean paint
from cup and wipe cup ancl cover using a rag. Fill
cup with lhe appropdate thinner and attach cover.
Fully loosen the n€edle stopper and blockthe nozzle
tip with a rag. Allow airto tlow flom compressor/
can and pull the kigger This will back ,lush air and
thinner lhrough nozzle and cup. Rapeat this two-
throe limos, using fresh thinner until äll paint resi-
([^ = f., rrEEüE)
kSt uEntl\Uif§ ctä t L Eo),,/d L \.tti§
*,qLlad<4*t'ät' ra.
*Make surelo have adequate ventilation while pai.tinq.
t.6*ß,)}8++ä{E* SrJU\ä 5l.EL\*?"
*Clean ai6rush belorc paini curos.
,ra t{fro)+^tL»
internal parts and paint cup
V 7)to+^ta»
ele4ning nozle
*=- t.il,@+ffi i.EEl,<.1räL\.
* Take care not lo damage n66dle.
* The aiörush ne€dle has a shalp point. Take lhe
ulltlost cale while handlingy'cleaning. The thinn6.
may be ejected from the center hole on the paint
cup cover during cleäning. Be caretul to avoid corl-
tacl to eye or skin. Fanally, flt rresh thinner to th€
cup and spray n to a ag tor cleaning the nozzle.
rt lmmecliately clean water soluble polycarbonal€
paints with water or approp ate thinner after paint-
ing. Neverallow it to cure in the airbrush, as som€
polycarbonäte paints cannot be removed even by
using lhinner, once they have cured.
a Cleanrns nozle: Bemove exlerral nozle cover
and wipe paintlrom nozzle using lhinner on an old
brush. Take care nol to damage the needle. Clean
the nozzle arlh€ paint does notflow smoothly clur
ing painling,
@t< aEBurtet < t otr I
(. ) l ,towD 9lt »
*:- F/l,EEü61ä.,/7)tEöt .6ffi e<
Tri99er guide
--l. tLlts tJ+t
fi-7zW.D ltt ü< h'aß*zkb*q "
* =- t: )baWD ß! U. Anä'r;"
=- F,IL{JEäryD lJf L. EHI(]'d'E)E
üL l-r.fi<. E§ä,3'ä ä ?<1äL\. ./\7
>t-ttt-tu. =- t: tvTl-,t2+rä@a
ör. =- l.rrLää8ryD tt" =-t:lLE^tl
6!+ß. ftüää*ZZüt/tdr\*; t.EEiL *
q" =- l'rrtäffiL. .t 7)Lt,*(ltc'>1"fr
7=- ts )VZl- 'r 7+rd l,bLA]*t"
* ) l)tawD$qü
) I )tltt t + 2E) < W.D lt'+ t. L b<7 3
*a. ur'r,. üLttLtitttt L. +t$h
o) r - )rfr)5 Ln-a. av - fifr.o) E@ t rr. D
*1. äflrrr* D, it*rtrE#Eä:i l.
*.zfct t D)ll- ryD ßräleL\'cTä!\.
I is Gco.nmend€d to p€riodically rcmove needle and
clean thorcughly using thinner and sofi cloth. Take
€xtreme care not lo damage needle and nozzle.
B€rnove ajr hose pnor to disass€mblinq the airbrush.
* Howto remove and installneedle: Femovo bal-
ance weight,loosen needle chuck screw, and car6-
fully pulloutthe ne€dlo. G€nlly seat the needle into
nozzle by pressing loruard, and secure in place by
tightsning needle chuck screw. Atlach balance
*Removlng the Nozzle: Nozzle can be removad us-
ing lhe included wrcnch. However, tequdi removal
and attachment of the nozzle wall wea, seaianl on
its th€ad, resulting in back flush of air Bemove ä
only when necessary (o clean curecl paint in the
-/ 7)t
,t -/a,Lbtt*
' lozte cover
* Make sure lh6 needle is properly sealed as
shown upon assenbly,
*./ 7/L tt u nii! ä t. u<Täu"
* Make suro nol lo overtighten nozzle.
6-" 13
12 -,,.9
*6)t*aßto z< +rtt'&ztzreo st.
* Make sußlhat dent on triqgor bottom faces rcaMard upon assembly.
i =- Frr,r/l-/ N6€dre cover
2 ) A)L;hl\- I Ndzrle corat
3 ,,/ ZlLlll€O-znn )l Nozzle {diamete.: 0.2mn)
'.3) l<:2Vt\-llngge(
61 V / \-1 y, 1 I TriSSet Srido
1 . =- l: )VA'r t ? / N'edte chu.k
3 =- l:1t711>A / Na.dte sptins
I 77 1) > 1 7 1-, )l- I Sp.ing stopper
ra :- FrLzl.-.y 7+ i,r/ Nedre chuck scrcw
12,/lrrr-l Balanceweighr
l] =- FrLl F y,/(-/ Needte adjuster
t. a7-tllVays< > I / Hose conneclor w/an
ri IZ-r3 -f >F/HGeconnetor
16, a I > l- O U :2 a t Hose connector O-ring
n + | ,71 Paint cup cove.
\a 12rr l Norzlewencn
i ) 1)t .------................'14008
o =- FI,..-....................640 ts
ij =- Frta F y,/(-..... - - -.....55O E
rl +",, 4...... -... - -...........600 E
äsEE.. "'...........'........220 F
For Japanese use only!
x EBrir,*tso8ß&*E < u " Lrtt»,l- 0)
flFatü\lw2 t -.r- r2fi1.äElL\ätr
§PRRY-WORIIHG a:v-a - ro&.Nr. E4l*!117 ) t -
+j- gzlft t. +J l"l L\e+rüT ä r\. ä*BL)t
SUPERFINE iiTffi:,:::::I"-I] .,"*
: AlRBRttSll # :2 ./ a)1, t\-......... --....'...630 E
?§? 7JV-2-2 HG
*Jt* 15&ETff ff är,R=rJEAlJ, äs*ä'f . r
ItDi.lßEEE. rE#a=E e;: = r\ t! ti r\.r,
RA t + r-7 7' -t - 97,ß{.rn* D
!\" ftatt soo tsr)(To,'ärJtr+t,Eie
9. 5OotsD{-totAäl*. IEä*g. tfid\lä
E'ä ei|]ffiTd r\.
[+Efi- -
fiEM 74514
*r7 -fr.lc.i->.r ra:24 V't |l-L , l. 77 V
-9 -, L7 -)-:/iy FäffRtar#äll. :flEEB
@ 1.1,\2< t \ tv) ägELz< l:ü!\"
ilI using with air compressors from ltem 74520 or
74501, chlnge air stop väNe referring to step €) of in-
^a- ->.r,
a>7 V'vt -l,v I
ITEM 74520
Basic compressor set
7) V-9-2
r7-)r->-U y I
|TEM 74501
Spray work air brush set
*=:/) 12., t- V;l;ll1l4,-- -L;id),.t+o)1>J V'r 1,
- a]i€e Ät o)**trEr*E ?- ;HBEB or.iüL.Z
*When usinq arr compressors other lhan lhose stated
abov€, connecl reterflns to slep O. or057339)