Tamiya 300074522 Bruksanvisningar

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7)V-2-t . d.1r7.Q27*tJ:Ey t, ilfiFHllE
Ihe Spray-Work Painting Stahd is an easy to use painting stand
that securely holds parß for simple aidcrushing or spray painting.
Set includes a multipurpose tumtable and an adjustable body
siand suitable for various bodies including a 1/24 scale car body.
Both stands employ a lotating base and are perfect size lor the Ta-
miya Spray-Wo* Pairting Booth (not avajlable in some countd6s).
*ryfal*, t7 -1- r/E*ää I Lrz 7 L -ä*E+
l.E!F'E-E./t-Y äEE?ä z t är?ä ä8*ä?
?" ty Ft t*jÄtri+@ar\9*>7-))tt, "t/24
h-fi7 [email protected]ä iliT -r 2, ) F äiä*A*?-.
1:/r)-Z (E\ä) e OffEarä*rtfl.iE t /Eü<77?-.
arl,t lEis,l\ätdr§+ä*@+@JBä\reuerärEH. Ellä1,<
a7rt>[email protected] , w.D4ü2t ö*ß. 7at>2@k*7
,ab!äar&ärr§-äEJIEEäiöDä,:. iJiLEü1,<<rEäL\.
aAlways u6e and store out ot reach ot small childrcn.
aTake carE when attaching or detaching spdngs. Spdngs
have shan ends that may cause injury.
ty Fß**§t(,*Eßo)äth
a7-))t, 7au>r^)b9
- t Effi.r- z ltIT t.riffi?
7-a )t...... ... ... ... ... ...1M
z7 u > 2fi)t9-.........1M
77 U > 2..................2ß
, I v 7.....- -.-..-... -.- -.4M
Set components and part names
a Painting stand consists of a table /
spring holder and a detachable
0tating bas€.
Table : 1 pc.
Spdng holder:1 pc.
Rotatinq bas€ : 2 pcs.
Spdng : 2 pcs.
Clip :4 pcs.
)bI- t E#.s- 7tlE a,te-(
ät. 2 t v7ß7-a)Vo)A
tträ t,i dä. EE?ä!x?"
äEo)ä\r.ä ?ry D {r}tr*?"
aAttach the table and the spring
holder to one rotating base each.
Clips can be attached to tablo by in-
serling into the rectangular holes.
aAttach springs io spring holder as
at -> 7 -a )rL.E7 )bä*
tt?4*?3*8. =7)VEB
t ää.58:äL*?..
at\-'Y o)4*t'lt,7 -) )bo)
3E§o)trita7\äffH L*a"
,>r-z t.=uL/.?@EU
ftD, 'i-lgo, t y 7?EE U,
E*1.,*f" * /c. ttEt5. ätJ
O l8bl.)\-'Ydfrfr7-7tt.
E'cltür. EEgä r. r t,?ä
:f {"
Example of using tumtable
OPlace a model on the turntable
and paint the modol while rotating
the table.
(aTumtable featues three different
sized holes. S€cure parts to th€ ta-
ble via inserting sprue ditectly into
one of thE holes or using lhe clips
provided. Suitably shaped objects
like a p€ncil or chopslick can also
be used. Use doublo-sidsd tap€ to
affx parts to the pencil6tc. and then
secure to table via inserting into ta-
«t ->7-a)b@EH*»
Example of using turntable
(1zy F6ärsJüä*ßoeifi»
S€t componerits and part names
Rotaiing b:de
Assembly <n<7i7,>§»
Body stand
Spnns holde.
TAMIYA, lNC. 3-7, ONDAWABA SHIZUOKA-CITY, JAPAN. 74522 Paidins Ständ s€t (1057228)
ll!\7 I ^, > t: o)Efr,* )
^71 7' > t: t*t /24Aä4iß
* ?. t t rliT -r of Er**?+ E
zEErä * ?"
Example of using body stand
aBody stand can securely hold vari-
ous sized bodies such as a 1/24
scale car body. Adjust spring posi-
tions according to the width of body
to be held. lf the front and rear width
o, body differs, adjust front and rear
width of spdngs accordingly by us-
ing different front and rear hole posi-
Et*H- ,-
*^io);5 < TßfrEtiEElä t
*z.?-&iEJ< Ur75\5Ei€
Caution when painting
*Never airbrush or spray paint near
an open flame.
*Make sure there is adequate venti-
fs+^t Lor',* (4lFHo);.*H»
Caution when painting
7t > t: t +lä v t 6tltd)tE*!t*.
frwa-,y h-*)qbfr?ß.
ä4ä. L är?3 *?" / E L,
,: ?suäti+o )E?I r*H ä ry D
äit = * aär. {frt-h-a8
*q0)?. -, ,B < /:äL\.
Cleaning the painting stand
aRemove paint from the stand by
wiping with a lacquerthinner (not in-
cluded). Please note that some non-
Tamiya brand paints are unable to
be removed by lacquer thinner.
A;* H / unrurno
*ä'ffi*ä.lrE I D, eFä=ä
ä t; z t1.b\ &, D t. q o 7,iE+'
l*&fioEr\IEFF-r, iF qEo) IE
@v7t taA+*6Ed2L)
?fil§?<<l:äL\" */.,
@ä.fi8 *tuhtb D *.t o)-c.
ä 5 i' D ö, E*f E:ffErr I * t\
z.lf*ä L,a- < r\"
*Lacquer thinner is harmtullo your
health. Always wear rubber gloves, a
mask and woft in a well ventilated
room whm handling lacquerthinner
To prevent damage from thinnei al-
ways lay down pieces of old news-
paper or rags before use,
ITEM 74522
(rti7-r zr, F o)lEE;*)
Example of using body §and
*fi 7.r @üEEAbün&Eää.i<aE*€ L :ET"
*Adiust wiclh of spnngs to suit body size by adjusting
(ri+^h8+EHä?ä t @)
Things required when cleaning
,rz, ä#tHf§
^'-(y7<:/27r7Flzv F
t\-'Ytürl. tä*bt E =t*&ärff@
F ^BA A7- vh -h\Atl>tlt h79--
+,- Ez ry,X,tr?.;:Ei L\r./i lr*f " E tl
h7t<-t-czt E
*eEA3.6E6{+. .
o)h - t:@ü,*fieqat
o?äEr,. 1tärE
rJ.ii ür< L\ e r"
7-J tV O$) . -.........540ts 7807140
EE^r-7 (11E) .........5608 7807141
<771) > i2ßftz) ..,..500Pl 7a07142
77 U >' eß)...,.....300P1 7807144
, r', a @ß).....,.,,,.3408 7807143
(38&Eo-*rlEt*) aiE,5o+Äi HtE
aEFa Eäa'- l: ä*+i.lTEM6E.
+ff€. Eßeä. äräz'd.Ee^< äa
L\" hi ,\l+Pfl {.nE;**Eüriiä L\
/./iä. tr&äe.OOAlO-9-l I I a. r!^
*A.EEE4.r§ffi) < r:äL\" 41FF
aatea$. a, - t! t*ü'Eb D *t L"
(E;*?OeEtt, aiutrL\r!r:ir*r.)
./( vltiiEr[r. .ttEtä+ä#+ (3] 5E)
äa€EL\r.l:trht . {teä ?E;*?
o-,*tüxD ta"
(i§r,1 1\ä1,u*=) t?ffi 054-243-OOO3
F,a' O3-3499-3765 (äFr^ c äGix)
B*6rd. +E/3:00-2o:00 l. E. frE /3:oo''17:00
For Japanese u* onlyl
III nnn l
aE"r d*üE
liYi}l*, -;:il*" 74522 Painting Stand Sst (1057228)
:tv-).->§^Jv * olts+ b4tabä2
Fß0)^4 >7.t >r75 ),htt rt-.L*Lt "
El*16 cnA' - > 7 - )rr(räE§o),t rr& L \
< tstt. t\-rX{\tRatU-yAT*I-TAEL lz
1). ->r-*iL@E{ Z-t:ltnIAE. +i<7
t>l: lt 1/247r- )vah -l.'jtfde6ßst
Eträ*t" 8B50zr>F6+<H d EE5
Zttä-tht<t. ^av-,-r.,<,( >-I >t
J - ^ G\ fi ) 6T afF*t:tiEär-rr r'-f "
Airbrush and spray painting stand set with
two easy to use stands, '16cm diameter
turntable comes with spring clips and features
holes of varying sizes to securely insert parts
into, making it easy to paint parts while still
on sprue. Adiustable body stand is perfect
for bodies of 1/24 scale cars. Both stands
employ simple rotating base.
(.5 >; ))ta1fift1)1\)
Exmple of using turntable
(ih71.<irrl FolirHi*)
Example olusing body stand
,t{nEar.izffiEL* t-.
*adjust width of spnngs to
suit body size by adjusting
, ilxlIlllilul[[uuil
1rEM74522.1500 00-,AV,'a ...ß rrrl
A&,ir Ertä.lläif 422-8610 B,?ftfiHAEF.EJF3-7 -a V
TAMTYAAT\,|EB cA rNc. rRvrNE cA ww,lamiya.com §,#friJ *:PE
atlff E߀r6+jfdr\äbttr'll!?ltltlllErllfrEijr--,---.,033ti,lADEtNCHLNA TAM