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< < /r3L\. {!@EFIäF;t. AHrr{L+4{Lt
di a t7 <t , -vi,-/dä - zh\ö D *t"
Cleaning airbrush after use
Clean airbrush immediately after use.
Ocleaning inside dfurush and paint cup.
Pour out unused paint. and wipe inside ol cup using
rag. Fill cup with appropriate paint thinnei cap cup,
and set needle stopper at rear. Tum compressor on
and covertip of nozzle with fingeras shown in illus-
tration. Pulltriggerto back flush air and clean inside
of nozzle and cup. Repeat this 2-3 times until clean
of all color. Finally, wipe ofi paint from inside of noz-
zle using paint thinner and rag.
AThe tjp of the needle is sharp so please take nec-
essary caution when handling, Also, paint thinner
mäy fly through air-hole in cap. Hold aiörush a safe
distance away from eyes and mouth when cleaning,
aCleaning nozzle
Remove extemal nozzle cover and wipe off paint
trom nozzle using thinner and an old brush. Clean
nozzle during aiörushing if paintflow is unstable.
.i Paint thinner must always be compatible with
paint. Use of incompatible thinner may cause con'
ti'4t t) -=> t
&EIf€H t/ /- Bäfi4 L<6*ßä ä?1L\l- L <Js < L.
H ti €t+rtx*E?qk ä f'J tJ h<7 z t t "
*=-ts)r\5/1lt l:7,j t- F äo?. 1..:tij
L, j.f {-;i€ u /jni,31t* L < < /i ä L\,
I . ä++, v7, ,,,1)tht\-. t\=>t-Eltt
u*q. =- l.r rr4ff ul,rtr,äö, =-t )rz.
W.ä LD*'{ " =- F./|,ät& < Z:- Frl,B.lr}tJ+
t Lh-_h.ßqh*t" ,,I)t ältBo)v>+<
2, i, v -JßaV)\-ä Eo*EIlOFl ä ETttij
7515. 66n,/\- (L) äl*tt,*f"
3. 4\ätÄ7 t 7l:.I t \- (No.I +J-l tO 1.ryfJ
ü C 7e@ 4b, +z> t -JE'r t ?WO fr V*.'* "
-0)Lt. =- l:,t1J4 l: llwljB<ö4/\,, +>
t*< ärdr\J. ) t-,*f,r/u < /:ä l\"
Disassembling ior thorough cleaning
For smoolh airbrushing, disassemble and clean ajr-
brush thoroughlyafter using it 2 or3times.
*Needle and nozzle are very delicate, so take ex-
treme care not to damagethem,
Disassembly procedures
l.Remove paint cup, nozzle cover, and balance
weight. Loosen needle holder screw and pull out
needle, The needle holder screw and collar can be
rcmoved after the needle is removed. Remove noz-
zle using supplied wrench,
2. Pu,l down iab on pistol grip as shown to remove
the left pistol grip shell "L".
3.Use small cross screwdriver to unscrew center
block screws- Make sure not to lose needle guide
packing when removing center block.
<1t81' t) _ => t,
Disassembling for thorolJgh cleaning
1t\-t+!- =- FrLry{iiJ+y
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fräE: l-. fitrlET,I'äED *d.
a/l)v. /alrhJ\-, 12>t-aE.r) : )z
ä^fr€@ (4F.I=) ,:EU!ä ^n- Za+r:1,
€; < 1_: r-:.;. -=tI=a-!-c.==,\=
=- ts )1,@+^h
Cleaning needle
Cleaning aidrrush after use
äHh ") J tfrEßo)+^tL
Cleaning inside aibrush and paint cup
<e#o, | -:-
Cleaning each pan