Tristan Dimmock
written by Tim Bovaird
Ascending from the North Tower basement, Tristan Jaime Lannister
Dimmock nominates as tribute once more for the latest iteration of Inward
Bound. An IB regular ever since he became aware that running IB meant that
he would receive a 1 litre chocolate mil k at endpoint. Tristan is no stranger to
the phys ic a l a n d mental c h a lle n g e s in v o lve d in runnin g IB , having c o mpleted
Division 1 on multiple occasions. He will be hoping this year that his golden
hair will help him achieve the gold with a strong division 4 team. O v e r th e la s t
5 years Tristan has been silently scouting potential IB endpoints far and wide
under the guise of being a cycling enthusiast. Rumour has it that he has
known the location of the 2015 endpoint since March 2012, and hence will be
taking a single map. It is this confidence and bravery that makes Tristan an
invaluable ass e t to th e Fenner team . Make s u r e y o u arrive early if yo u wish to
glimpse his golden hair appearing over the horizon.
Janet Davey
written by Ee-Faye Chong
Seemingly harmle ss, the Orange -Maned Janet can be spotted in her natural
roosting place o f Fe n ne r H a ll. However, this partic ula r sp e cie s o f Ja ne t
displays some unusual characteristics that make her a scientific obscurity
and the subject of much research.
It is well kno w n that the J a n e t is c a rn iv o ro u s , a nd main ta in s a re g u la r diet of
hockey players from the opposing team. Often outnumbered, she will
produce a menacing set of armour that is a result of rapid genetic evolution to
fend off her foes. Th e eponymous gr a v ity -defy ing hair is a war n in g sign to all
potential predators and IB minions that the she is at the top of the food chain.
It is for these re asons th a t th e J a n e t is c o llo q u ia lly known a s T h e Beast.
Being evolutionarily advanced, the Janet has also adapted the
communication techniques of nearby species, most notably the languages of
Mandarin and Physics.
The principal threat to the Janets continued survival is the frequent
occurrence of 9am maths lectures.