Pressalit RK1412202 Användarguide

RK1220-21, RK1210-14
RK1250-54, RK1420-21
RK1410-14, RK1450-54
RK1820-21, RK1810-14
Indivo kitchen – Operation and maintenance manual en
Indivo-køkkenet – Brugs- og vedligeholdelsesvejledning dk
Indivo Küche – Gebrauchs- und Pegeanleitung de
Indivo cuisine – Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien fr
Indivo keuken – Gebruiks- en onderhoudshandleiding nl
Indivo kök – Bruks- och underhållsanvisning sv
Indivo kjøkken – Bruks- og vedlikeholdsveiledning no
Indivo cocina - Instrucciones de uso y mantenimiento es
Kuchnia Indivo – Instrukcja obsługi i konserwacji pl
Indivo 厨房 - 操作和维护手册 中文
en The warranty covers faults or defects in the material of our products within a period of 3
years from date of invoice. Products subject to minor technical modi cations and design
deviations E. & O.E.
dk Garantien dækker i 3 år fra fakturadato for materiale- og fabrikationsfejl. Der tages forbe-
hold for trykfejl, tekniske ændringer og modelafvigelser.
de Die Garantie gilt für drei Jahre ab Rechnungsdatum für Material- und Herstellungsfehler.
Druckfehler, technische Änderungen und Modellabweichungen vorbehalten.
fr La garantie couvre les vices de fabrication et de matériaux pour une durée de 3 ans à partir
de la date de facturation. Sous réserve de modi cations techniques et d’erreurs d’impression.
nl De garantie is tot 3 jaar na factuurdatum geldig voor materiaal- en fabricagefouten. Onder
voorbehoud van drukfouten, technische wijzigingen en modelafwijkingen.
sv Garantin gäller i 3 år från fakturadatum för material- och fabrikationsfel. Med reservation
för tryckfel, tekniska ändringar och modellavvikelser.
no Garantien gjelder i 3 år fra fakturadato for material- og fabrikasjonsfeil. Med forbehold for
trykkfeil, tekniske endringer og modellforskjeller.
es La garantía cubre fallos de material o fabricación durante los 3 años posteriores a partir de
la fecha de factura. Mantenemos reservas en caso de problemas de presión, modi caciones
técnicas y varia ciones de modelo.
pl Trzyletnia gwarancja obejmuje usterki oraz wady produkcyjne i materiałowe. Produkty
mogą ulec nieznacznym zmianom technicznym i projektowym. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo
do błędów i pominięć.
中文 保修涵盖 3 年内出现的材料或制造故障或缺陷。产品的技术和设计可能稍微发生变
قورﻓو ﺔﯾﻧﻓ تﻼﯾدﻌﺗﻟ ﺔﺿرﻋ تﺎﺟﺗﻧﻣﻟا .ماوﻋأ 5 ةرﺗﻔﻟ ﻊﯾﻧﺻﺗﻟا وأ داوﻣﻟا ﻲﻓ بوﯾﻌﻟا وأ ءﺎطﺧﻷا نﺎﻣﺿﻟا ﻲطﻐﯾ
.ةﺎﻧﺛﺗﺳﻣ وﮭﺳﻟاو ﺄطﺧﻟا تﻻﺎﺣ .مﯾﻣﺻﺗﻟا ﻲﻓ ﺔﻔﯾﻔط
English ................................................................ 17
Dansk ................................................................. 30
Deutsch ............................................................... 43
Français ............................................................... 56
Nederlands ............................................................ 69
Svenska................................................................ 82
Norsk.................................................................. 95
Español............................................................... 108
Język polski ............................................................ 121
中文 ............................................................134
RK1210, RK1410, RK1810
RK1211, RK1411, RK1811
RK1212, RK1412, RK1812
RK1213, RK1413, RK1813
RK1214, RK1414, RK1814
RK1250, RK1450, RK1850
RK1251, RK1451, RK1851
RK1252, RK1452, RK1852
RK1253, RK1453, RK1853
RK1254, RK1454, RK1854
RK1220, RK1420, RK1820
RK1221, RK1421, RK1821
RK1410, RK1411, RK1412, K1413
RK1414, RK1450, RK1451, RK1452
RK1453, RK1454, RK1420, RK1421
RK1810, RK1811, RK1812, RK1813
RK1814, RK1850, RK1851, RK1852
RK1853, RK1854, RK1820, RK1821
RK1210, RK1211, RK1212, RK1213
RK1214, RK1250, RK1251, RK1252
RK1253, RK1254, RK1220, RK1221
Max P U Max I
RK1210, RK1211, RK1212, RK1213,
RK1214, RK1410, RK1411, RK1412,
K1413, RK1414,
200 W 230 V 0,8 A
RK1810, RK1811, RK1812, RK1813,
200 W 120 V 1,6 A
RK1250, RK1251, RK1252, RK1253,
RK1254, RK1450, RK1451, RK1452
RK1453, RK1454
300 W 230 V 1,3 A
RK1850, RK1851, RK1852, RK1853,
RK1854, RK1820, RK1821
300 W 120 V 2,5 A
RK1220, RK1420 100 W 230 V 0,4 A
RK1820 100 W 120 V 0,8 A
RK1221, RK1421 200 W 230 V 0,8 A
RK1821 200 W 120 V 1,6 A
Max 100 kg / 220 lbs Max 150 kg / 330 lbs
Max 110 kg / 242 lbs Max 220 kg / 485 lbs
RK1344 RK1342
RK1045 RK1043
Min 600
Max 700
RK1210, RK1410, RK1810
RK1250, RK1450, RK1850
Min 600
Max 700
RK1211, RK1411, RK1811
RK1251, RK1451, RK1851
Min 600
Max 700
RK1212, RK1412, RK1812
RK1252, RK1452, RK1852
Min 600
Max 700
RK1213, RK1413, RK1813
RK1253, RK1453, RK1853
Min 600
Max 700
RK1214, RK1414, RK1814
RK1254, RK1454, RK1854
RK1220, RK1420, RK1820
RK1221, RK1421, RK1821
RK1210, RK1410, RK1810
RK1250, RK1450, RK1850
39.41 - 55.12
Min 23.62
Max 27.56
RK1211, RK1411, RK1811
RK1251, RK1451, RK1851
55.16 - 78.74
Min 23.62
Max 27.56
RK1212, RK1412, RK1812
RK1252, RK1452, RK1852
78.78 - 94.49
Min 23.62
Max 27.56
RK1213, RK1413, RK1813
RK1253, RK1453, RK1853
94.53 - 118.11
Min 23.62
Max 27.56
RK1214, RK1414, RK1814
RK1254, RK1454, RK1854
15.75 - 47.24
RK1220, RK1420, RK1820
47.28 - 94.49
RK1221, RK1421, RK1821
Mounting instruction .................................................17
Safety ...............................................................18
Usage ...............................................................19
Safety labels..........................................................19
Operating instructions ................................................22
Safety systems........................................................24
Worktop safety rails ................................................24
Cupboard safety plates .............................................25
Trouble-shooting .....................................................27
Disposal and recycling ................................................29
Original instructions
Mounting instruction
A mounting instruction is included with the product. It can also
be downloaded from
Read and understand the manual completely before use. Keep the manual
close at hand.
Never use or handle these lifts in other ways than are specified in this
Do not perform repairs, disassembly, or assembly operations, extensions,
re-adjustments or modifications to this product that are not described in
this manual or in the mounting instruction.
Never allow children to operate these lifts unless under supervision. The
lifts are not intended for play.
Never use a lift if it is defective or damaged. Do not use a defective lift
before it has been repaired.
The information in this manual is based on correct installation in
accordance with our mounting instruction.
Never allow children to play with the lifts.
Never allow children
or pets to stay under
the table
• Keep hands clear
of the lifting
Pressalit cannot be held liable if the lifts are used in any way which differs
from that described in this manual.
We reserve the right to amend this manual without prior notice.
The height adjustable kitchen lifts allow both seated and standing users to
work comfortably in the same kitchen. The lifts are for indoor use only. The
lifts are not to be used in a bathroom or wetroom.
Safety labels
Before initial operation, please affix the safety labels supplied along with this
110 kg max
240 lbs
220 kg max
480 lbs
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Pressalit RK1412202 Användarguide
