4. 2 Spe ed Di aling
To act ivat e spe ed di al ing , phone book must be pre- set up.
4.2.1 Set up spe ed di al ing:
1. Press
2. Scr ol l the menu by pres si ng or unt il you se e SPEED DI ALI NG
3. Press
4. Browse for empt y slot by pres si ng or , ther e are total ly 3 slot ,
eac h sl ot is repr esent ed by , and M (M is repr es ent ing but ton)
5. Once yo u find an empt y slot. Pr ess
(If pho ne boo k is empt y, Pr es s and Vos so r wi ll aut omat ically
swi tch to AT Com mand Mode )
6. Browse the pho ne number that yo u wi sh to se t as speed di al
7. Press to co nf irm
8. To ex it, simply pr es s to return to main menu
HINT : If a slot is empt y, us er can si mpl y pr es s the des ired ke y for 2 second ,
then follow the abo ve pr ocedu res from 5 to 8.
4.2.2 Modi fying / Del et ing Speed Dial ing Num ber
Once yo u hav e setup a number in a sl ot , yo u are requ ired to del ete it
bef or e se tting up a new number on the sa me slot .
To del et e a number in Spee d Di al ing Ent ry:
1. Press
2. Pressi ng or unt il you se e SPEED DI ALI NG, then pr ess .
3. Browse for the sl ot whi ch you woul d like to modi fy
4. Press twi ce , and the sc reen wi ll sh ow Del ete?.
5. Press to co nf irm or to canc el .
4. 3 Del et ing Pho ne Boo k en tr y
1. Press
2. Scr ol l the menu by pres si ng or unt il you se e Del Phone Book .
3. Press
4. Display shows Are you sur e?
( do not allow del eting si ngl e ent ry, ALL ent ries will be del eted after
conf irmat ion )
5.Press to co nf irm
6.Whi le del et e is proc es si ng, it will di sp lay Del et ing PB
7.Display shows Del eted ALL when Phon e Book is clear ed
8.Press to retur n to Main Menu
5.Trouble Shooting
Phone status showing:
It is depending on the availability and provides by the connected mo bile
Mobile phone couldn't Pair with Vossor:
1.Please power off and on again Vossor then repeat the pairing procedures
2.Set off all other Bluetooth devices before start pairing.
3.Either Vossor and the mo bile phone are able to be master or slave to pair
with other Bluetooth device, however pairing will not work if those are
being master or slave at the same time.
Loudspeaker sound level too low:
Please increase the volume level to ma ximum on the mo bile phone during
Voice too low to be heard from the person wh o talking to Vossor user:
Do the following steps wh ile conversation in progress
1. Adjust the mi crophone gain to maximum on Vossor, or
2. the person wh o is talking to Vossor user adjust his/her mobile phone
volume to ma ximum.
Strong echo heard from the person wh o is talking to Vossor user:
During Co nversation, transfer the call to mobile and listen. If echo
disappeared, please transfer the call again from mo bile phone to Vossor and
lower the loud speaker until echo is eliminated. If the echo is still remains,
that means the echo is generated by the network provider or mobile phone
itself. Vossor is unable to eliminate.
Loudspeaker volume of Vossor too low or high and unable to adjust it:
Please adjust the volume directly on the mo bile phone as desired, then fine
tune it by the volume control of Vossor.
The number dialed by mobile phone couldn't be found from Vossor:
All number which are dialed directly from the mobile are unable to save in
Vossor, please check it on the mo bile phone.
The LCD display frozen or all buttons disabled:
Simply turn off the unit and turn on again.