HWAM Monet H Installationsguide

HWAM Monet
Installation af vandtank • Installation of boiler
Installation von Wassertank • Bruksanvisning
Indholdsfortegnelse, dansk
Sikkerhedsmæssige lovkrav ................................................................................................................. 5
Tilslutning til centralvarmeanlæg .......................................................................................................... 6
Totalopvarmning ................................................................................................................................... 7
Tilslutning til solfangeranlæg ................................................................................................................ 8
Tilslutning sammen med jordvarmeanlæg ............................................................................................ 9
Tilslutning med automatisk virkende AVTA-ventil ............................................................................... 10
Overensstemmelseserklæring ............................................................................................................ 11
Table of content, English
Instructions for connection of a stove with domestic water heating ....................................................14
Connection to central heating system ................................................................................................15
Total heating .......................................................................................................................................16
Connection to solar collector system ..................................................................................................17
Connection with geothermal energy system ...................................................................................... 18
Connection with automatically functioning AVTA valve ....................................................................... 19
Inhaltsverzeichnis, Deutsch
Vorschriften für den Anschluss eines Ofens mit Brauchwasser-Erwärmung ......................................21
Anschluss an eine Zentralheizungsanlage ......................................................................................... 22
Alleinheizung ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Anschluss mit Erdwärme-Kollektoranlage .......................................................................................... 24
Anschluss an Sonnenkollektoranlage .................................................................................................25
Anschluss mit Thermosicherung und geschlossener Expansion ....................................................... 27
Innehållsförteckning, svensk
Säkerhetsmässiga krav enligt lagen ................................................................................................... 28
Anslutning till centralvärmeanläggning ............................................................................................... 29
Totaluppvärmning ............................................................................................................................... 30
Anslutning till solfångaranläggning ..................................................................................................... 31
Anslutning till jordvärmeanläggning .................................................................................................... 32
Anslutning till automatiskt verkande AVTA-ventil ................................................................................33
Sikkerhedsmæssige lovkrav
Tilslutning af vandtank skal ske i henhold til Arbejdstilsynets publikation nr. 42 "Forskrifter for
fyrede varmtvandsanlæg". Heri henvises specielt til afsnit 2 om blandt andet sikkerhedsledning
til åben ekspansionsbeholder. Sikkerhedsledningen skal sikre, at ovnens kedel kan komme af
med trykket, hvis den grund af manglende gennemstrømning (for eksempel ved strømsvigt)
skulle komme i kog.
Hvis vandet i tanken/kedlen koger, vil vandet blive trykket ud gennem sikkerhedsledningen
til den åbne ekspansionsbeholder. Ekspansionsbeholderen skal derfor afsluttes ved gulv og
afløb, der ikke kan ske vandskade. Ekspansionsbeholderen skal dimensioneres, den kan
optage udvidelsen af anlæggets vand, når det opvarmes fra 0°C til 100°C. I praksis 4-8%.
Ekspansionsbeholderen og sikkerhedsledningen skal være frostsikret.
Ekspansionsbeholderens vandstand skal jævnligt kontrolleres. Efter udluftning af anlægget,
eller hvis der er kogt vand ud gennem ekspansionsbeholderens overb, skal vandstanden
kontrolleres og eventuelt efterfyldes.
1. HWAM Monet brændeovn med vandke
2. Afgangsstuds (øverst 1").
3. Sikkerhedsledning, mindste indvendige
diameter for stålrør: 21,6 mm, for kobber-
r: 19,5 mm.
Max. længde: 20 m, max.jde: 10 m.
Sikkerhedsledningen må ikke kunne
4. Åben ekspansionsbeholder. Skal kunne
rumme op til 8% af anlæggets samlede
5. Ø 15 mm hævertbryder.
6. Meldeledning og overløb.res til gulv og
skal være skråt afskåret.
7. Gulvafløb.
8. Påfyldnings- og aftapningshane.
9. Fremløb
10. Retur.
11. Automatisk luftudlader.
T. Termometer, skal kunne måle op til 120°
M. Manometer med rød markering ved høje-
ste vandsøjle. T + M kan være kombine-
Sikkerhedsledningen, som samtidig kan være returledningen til centralfyret, skal udgå fra
ovnens topstuds. HWAM Monet's hedeflade udgør 0,28 m og må derfor tilsluttes med dykket
sikkerhedsledning. Der skal så blot det højeste punkt efter afgangsstudsen monteres en
automatisk luftudlader (11).
Tilslutning til centralvarmeanlæg
HWAM Monet kan tilsluttes et nyt eller indkobles på et eksisterende centralvarmeanlæg som
en supplerende hjælpekedel. Fremløbsvandet skal tilsluttes ved 4, og afgangsvandet fra
brændeovnen skal tilsluttes anlæggets returlinie. En del af frembsvandet vil cirkulere gen-
nem ovnen, hvor det varmes yderligere op, inden det blandes med det koldere returvand.
Samtidig sikres det, at der altid er gennemstrømning i ovnen, uanset om varmeanlæggets
radiatortermostater skulle være lukkede.
Afhængig af varmebehovet kan shuntventilen stilles på "sommerstilling" for hurtig udnyttelse
af ovnen til opvarmning af andre rum med radiatorer. Er varmebehovet ikke særligt stort, kan
det blive dvendigt at sætte shunten over mod "vinterstilling" for at inddrage mere vand i
cirkulationen. Med shunten i "vinterstilling" opvarmes brugsvand med kedlen.
HWAM Monet tilsluttet et centralvarmeanlæg
1. HWAM Monet
2. Udluftning
3. Afgang
4. Tilgang med AVTA-ventil
5. Gulvvarme
6. Radiator
7. Fremløb
8. Retur
9. Retur- og sikkerhedsledning
10. Oliefyr
11. Varmt vand
12. Åben ekspansionsbeholder
13. Shuntventil
14. Pumpe
Principskitse for totalopvarmning
Brugsvand og rumopvarmning
HWAM Monet kan tilsluttes en automatisk virkende mix-ventil og en KP77 termostat til at
starte pumperne. Anlægget prioriterer rst det varme brugsvand. Derefter inddrages ra-
diatorkredsen til rumopvarmning. Ovnens konvektionssystem afgiver dog hurtigt varme til
rummet. Bedst virkning får man, hvis overskudsvarmen veksles over til gulvvarme. Gulvene
virker som et varmelager, der langsomt afgiver varmen til rummene. Mix-ventilen sikrer, at
vandtanken i HWAM Monet altid er over 50°C. Dette giver en bedre forbrænding og dermed
en højere virkningsgrad.
Når der tændes op i brændeovnen, registrerer termostaten (T), som har en ler (F3) i ovnens
afgangsstuds, en jere temperatur (over 60°C) og starter cirkulationspumpen. Vekslerspiralen
i kombibeholderen opvarmer efter kort tids fyring det varme brugsvand. Når returvandet fra
kombibeholderen overstiger mix-ventilens (M1) indstilling, skifter tilgangen efterhånden fra +
over til -. Derved inddrages radiatorkredsen i opvarmningen. Gulvvarmekredsen styres af en
termoventil (VT), som sikrer, at gulvvarmen ikke overophedes.
Når ovnen brænder ud, vil KP77 termostaten slukke pumpen ved 50-55°C. Derved stopper
kredsløbet, inden temperaturen er nede på el-stavens ca. 40°C.
Anlægget bør frostsikres med termovæske.
Sikkerhedsledningen fra ovnens afgangsstuds skal altid udføres forskriftsmæssigt og
ikke kunne afspærres.
Der skal altid være gennemstrømning anlægget, ovnens vandtank kan komme af
med varmen.
Brændeovnskredsen bør være så lille som mulig og være velisoleret.
Afgang varmt vand
Tilgang koldt vand
T: Termostat KP77
M1: AT mix-ventil
VT: Termostatventil
Tilslutning til solfangeranlæg
Tilslutning sammen med solfanger
HWAM Monet, kombineret med et solfangeranlæg 4-6 m
og en ca. 2-300 l kombitank med
ekstra spiral og el-stav, er et særdeles godt alternativ til den traditionelle boligopvarmning
med oliefyr. I sommerperioden klarer solfangeren opvarmningen af brugsvandet. I koldere
perioder, som forår og efterår, suppleres med HWAM Monet, som giver hurtig konvektions-
varme til rummet, og supplerer solfangeren ved at opvarme vandet i den øverste halvdel af
kombitanken. I vinterperioden klarer HWAM Monet hele rumopvarmningen dels ved direkte
konvektionsvarme, og dels via radiator og gulvvarme. Bedst virkning får man, hvis overskuds-
varmen året rundt kan veksles over til gulvvarme. Gulvvarmen virker som et varmelager, der
langsomt afgiver varmen til rummene.
Solfangerkredsens funktion
Ved opvarmning af solfangeren registrerer leren (F1) en jere temperatur end leren (F2)
i kombibeholderen, og differenstermostaten (DT) starter cirkulationspumpen. Vekslerkappen
ligger rundt om kombibeholderens nederste ende. Derved udnyttes solfangeren bedst mu-
ligt, også på dage med lille indstråling. Derefter sørger el-staven for den videre opvarmning.
Solfangerkredsen skal af hensyn til frostsikring arbejde med termovæske.
Brændeovnskredsens funktion
Når der tændes op i brændeovnen, registrerer termostaten (F3), som har en ler i ovnens
lerstuds, en højere temperatur (over 60°C) og starter cirkulationspumpen. Vekslerspiralen
i kombibeholderens top opvarmer efter kort tids fyring de øverste 80 l vand. Når returvandet
fra kombibeholderen overstiger mix-ventilens (M1) indstilling, skifter tilgangen efterhånden
fra + over til -. Derved inddrages radiatorkredsen i opvarmningen. Gulvvarmekredsen styres
af en termoventil (VT), som sikrer, at gulvvarmen ikke overophedes.
Anlægget bør frostsikres med termovæske.
Sikkerhedsledningen fra ovnens afgangsstuds skal udføres forskriftsmæssigt
og må ikke kunne afspærres.
Overskudsvarme fra solfangeren kan ikke fordeles ud på radiatorkredsen.
Brændeovnskredsen bør være så lille som mulig og være velisoleret.
HWAM Monet tilsluttet sammen med et solfangeranlæg
Tilgang koldt vand
DT: Differenstermostat
M1: AT Mix-ventil
T: Termostat KP 77
Tilslutning sammen med jordvarmeanlæg
HWAM Monet kobles på normal vis ind på centralvarmeanlægget mellem frembs- og
returledningen, således at noget af det varme fremløbsvand opvarmes yderligere, r det
blandes med det kolde returvand. Da varmepumpen ikke tåler varmt returvand, skal der r
varmepumpen indskydes en termostat og en trevejsventil, så det varme returvand cirkulerer
uden om varmepumpen.
Når der fyres i ovnen, registrerer termostatens ler stigende temperatur i returledningen,
og trevejsventilen vil lukke vandet uden om varmepumpen og re det direkte over i frem-
bsledningen.Varmepumpen vil således ikke registrere noget forbrug og vil automatisk koble
ud. Når ovnen brænder ud, vil temperaturen i returledningen falde, og trevejsventilen vil igen
lukke det kolde vand ind i varmepumpen.
HWAM Monet tilsluttet sammen med jordvarmeanlæg
A. Fremløbsledning.
B. Returledning og ovnens sikker-
hedsledning med forbindelse til
åben ekspansion.
C. AVTA-ventil. Åbner ved stigende
temperatur over 50°C.
Tilslutning med automatisk virkende AVTA-ventil
Tilslutningen sikrer sammen med en korrekt fyring den optimale udnyttelse af ovnens vandke-
del. Ved at anvende en Danfoss AVTA-ventil 50-90°C kan man sikre en afgangstemperatur fra
ovnens vandbeholder på 70-75°C og derved undgå kondensvand vandtanken. Samtidig
sikres en bedre efterforbrænding, idet bålet ikke køles for hårdt ned.
AVTA-ventilen monteres ret til ovnens tilgangsstuds (1) og monteres med leren gennem
lermuffen ind i ovnens vandkedel. Ventilen skal monteres ifølge fabrikkens anvisninger.
Såfremt afgangsrøret og sikkerhedsledningen går nedad, r der altid monteres en automa-
tisk luftudlader afgangsrøret. Derved undgås luftlommer, som kan opstå ved overfyring i
optændingsfasen.res tilslutningen opad fra ovnen, bør der monteres en aftap-ningshane
på tilgangsstudsen.
Det er forbudt og farligt at blokere sikkerhedsledningen med hane, pumpe eller lig-
D. Automatisk luftudlader.
E. Termometer.
F. Eventuelt manometer.
1. Tilgang 3/4" studs.
2. Afgang 1" studs.
3.lermuffe 3/4"
HWAM Heat Design AS
Nydamsvej 53
DK – 8362 Hørning
Tel.: +45 86 92 18 33
Fax: +45 86 92 22 18
E-mail: heatdesign@hwam.com
Erklærer hermed, at
Produkt: Type: Nr.:
Brændeovn HWAM Monet med vandtank 117
er fremstillet i overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne i følgende direktiver:
Reference nr.: Titel:
89/106/EEC Construction Products – CPD
samt følgende harmoniserede standarder:
Nr: Titel: Udgave:
EN 13240 Roomheaters fired by solid fuel
EN 13240/A2 Roomheaters fired by solid fuel
og andre standarder og/eller tekniske specifikationer
Nr: Titel: Udgave: Del:
NS 3058 Lukkede vedfyrte ildsteder Røykudslipp
NS 3059 Lukkede vedfyrte ildsteder Røykudslipp
- Krav
rning, d. 21. maj 2007
Torsten Hvam Pedersen
Fabriks- og kvalitetschef
Dato Underskrift
Instructions for connection of a stove
with domestic water heating
The mounting and installation of an HWAM stove with domestic water heating must follow
DIN 4751, page 2:
1. This kind of heat generators is only permitted to be used with a kettle temperature not
higher than 90°C.
2. The heat exchanger is not permitted to be used for the purpose of heating the domestic
3. The flow pressure available for heating the domestic water must account for at
least 2 atmospheric pressures. If the water conduit falls down under 2 atmospheric
pressures, for example at power failure by your own water supply and at failure
by the circulating pump, then the kettle must immediately be taken out of function.
4. Between the domestic water supply and the thermal drain securities no delimiter of the
flow mass must be installed.
5. As thermal drain security only a certified unit is allowed to be used, fulfilling the following
Response temperature 95°C.
Flow rate with a sensor temperature of 110°C and a differential pressure at the thermo
valve of 1 atmospheric pressure must be at least 200 kg per hour.
The procurement as well as the proper fitting of the required thermo valve is the respon-
sibility of the installation firm.
6. The maximum transport pressure in the joint piece is not permitted to exceed 2,5 mmWS.
If this value is exceeded on the assembly place, then the chimney must be provided with
a shunt appliance.
7. The equalization vessel must be equipped at its highest point with an automatically func-
tioning exhaust valve.
Furthermore, when you fire with solid fuel you have to pay special attention to the following
a. The water pressure in front of the thermal drain security must account for at least 2 atmo-
spheric pressures, also at open thermal valve.
b. It obliges the user to let a competent person control the thermal drain security at least once
a year. At this occasion the scales and the slop, if any, should be removed from the thermal
drain security. The thermal valve must in this connection be tested on its functionality.
The heat connection must always be done by a specialist (heating constructor). Only he knows
how to connect the water-leading heat kettle of the stove in a skilled way and according to
the DIN norms.
1. Automatic aeration
2. Vent
3. Outlet
4. Supply by AVTA valve
5. Floor heating
6. Radiator
7. Supply
As to installations that are not done by a specialist we have to decline every warrantee.
As regards professional installation, the person who made the installation is respon-
sible for the construction.
Connection to central heating system
HWAM Monet can be connected to a new or an existing central heating system as a supple-
mentary auxiliary kettle. The water supply must be connected at 4, and the return water from
the woodburning stove must be connected the return line of the system. A part of the water
supply will then circulate through the stove where it is heated further, before it is mixed with
the colder return water.
At the same time it is secured that there is always flow in the stove, no matter if the radiator
thermostats of the heating system should be closed.
Depending on the need for heat, the shunt valve can be set at ”summer position” for quickly
utilization of the stove to heat other rooms with radiators. If the need for heat is not very im-
portant it might be necessary to set the shunt towards “winter position” to involve more water
in the circulation. With the shunt in “winter position” the kettle heats domestic water.
HWAM Monet connected to a central heating system
18. Return
19. Return conduit
10. Oil-fired burner
11. Hot water
12. Expansion tank
13. Shunt valve
14. Pump
Total heating
Simplified sketch for overall heating
Domestic water and heating of rooms
HWAM Monet can be connected with an automatically working mix-valve and a KP 77 ther-
mostat intended to start the pumps. The system gives the hot domestic water the highest
priority. Then the radiator circuit is involved for heating the rooms. However the convection
system of the stove quickly gives off heat to the room. You get the best effect if the surplus
heat is converted to floor heat. The floors act as a heat storage slowly giving off the heat
to the rooms. The mix-valve secures that the water tank in HWAM Monet is always warmer
than 50°C. This gives a better combustion and with that a higher efficiency.
When you light the woodburning stove, the thermostat (T), having a sensor (F3) in the out-
let socket piece of the stove, registers a higher temperature (over 60°C) and starts the cir-
culation pump. The heat exchanger spiral in the multi-purpose tank is after a short heating
session heating the hot domestic water. When the return water from the multi-purpose tank
exceeds the setting of the mix valve (M1), the supply is little by little changing from + to -. In
that way the radiator circuit is involved in the heating. The floor heating circuit is ruled by a
thermo valve (VT) securing that the floor heat is not getting superheated.
When the stove is burning out the KP77 thermostat closes the pump at 50-55°C. In this
way the circuit stops, before the temperature is down on the about 40°C of the electrical
The system should be frost-proof by a thermo fluid.
The stove must have the thermal safeguarding drain mounted according to instructions
There must always be flow in the system so the water tank of the stove can get rid of the
The woodburning circuit should be as little as possible and must be well insulated.
expansion tank
Hot water
Supply of cold water
stove circuit
Radiator circuit
Floor heating
Mix 50°C
Safety valve
A: Woodburning stove circuit
B: Radiator circuit
C: Floor heating circuit
T: Thermostat KP77
M1: AT mix-valve
1: Thermal drain security
F3: Sensor
Floor heating
domestic water
Electric heating element
Floor heating
Connection to solar collector system
Connection together with solar collector
HWAM Monet combined with a solar collector system of 4-6 m
and a multi-purpose tank
of about 2-300 litres with extra spiral and electric heating element is a very good alternative
to the traditional housing heating with oil-fired burner. During the summer period the solar
collector manages the heating of the domestic water. In colder periods, such as spring and
autumn, it is supplied with HWAM Monet that gives rapid convection heat to the room, and
supplies the solar collector by heating the water in the upper half of the multi-purpose tank.
During the winter period, HWAM Monet manages all the heating of the room, partly by
direct convection heat and partly via radiator and floor heating. You will get the best effect
if the surplus heats all the year can be converted to floor heating. The floor heating act as
heat storage, slowly giving off heat to the rooms.
The function of the solar collector system
By heating the solar collector the sensor (F1) registers a higher temperature than the sen-
sor (F2) in the multi-purpose tank, and the difference thermostat (DT) starts the circulation
pump. The heat-exchanging mantle is lying around the bottom edge of the multi-purpose
tank. In this way the solar collector is exploited in the best possible way, also on days with
little radiation. Thereafter the electric heating element takes care of the further heating. The
solar collector system must out of consideration for staying frost-proof work with antifreeze
The function of the woodburning stove circuit
When you light up in the woodburning stove, the thermostat (F3) having a sensor in the
connecting branch of the woodburning stove registers a higher temperature (over 60°C)
and starts the circulation pump. The heat-exchanging spiral in the top of the multi-purpose
tank heats after a short heating session the 80 litres of water on top. When the return water
from the combination tank exceeds the setting of the mix-valve (M1) the supply little by little
changes from + to -. Then the radiator circuit is involved in the heating. The floor heating is
ruled by a thermo valve (VT) securing that the floor heating is not getting too hot.
The system should be made frost-proof by an antifreeze mixture.
The safety conduit from the outlet socket piece of the stove must be made according to
the regulations and closing off it is not allowed.
The surplus heat from the solar collector cannot be spread out to the radiator circuit.
The woodburning circuit should be as little as possible and must be well insulated.
HWAM Monet connected with a solar collector system
Hot water
Electric stick
stove circuit
Radiator circuit
Mix 50°
Floor heating
Fresh water supply
Solar collector
DT: Differential thermostat
M1: AT Mix-ventil
T: Thermostat KP 77
Floor heating
Connection with geothermal energy system
HWAM Monet is connected normally to the central heating system between the supply
and the return conduit so that some of the hot supply water is heated further, before it is
mixed with the cold return water. As the hot return water is not good for the heat pump, it is
necessary to insert a thermostat and a three-way valve, so the hot return water circulates
around the pump.
When heated in the stove, the sensor of the thermostat registers rising temperature in the
return conduit, and the three-way valve will close the water around the heat pump and di-
rectly to the supply conduit. Therefore the heat pump will not register any consumption and
will automatically declutch. When the stove burns out, the temperature in the return conduit
will fall, and the three-way valve will once again let the cold water into the heat pump.
HWAM Monet connected with geothermal heat system
Earth conductor
Heat pump
Motor valve
1. Thermal drain security
2. Safety valve
Hot service
A. Supply conduit
B. Return conduit
C. E.g. AVTA valve 50 - 90°.
C. Will open at rising
C. temperature
D. Automatic aeration
E. Thermometer
Connection with automatically functioning AVTA valve
The connection secures together with correct firing the optimal utilization of the water kettle
of the stove. By using a Danfoss AVTA valve 50-90°C, you can secure an outlet tempera-
ture from the stove’s water tank of 70-75°C, and in this way avoid condensed water at the
water tank. At the same time a better secondary combustion is secured, as the fire is not
cooled too much down.
The AVTA valve is mounted at the pipe to the inlet socket piece of the stove (1) and with
the sensor through a 1” cross into to water tank of the stove through the out socket piece
(2). The valve is to be mounted in accordance with the instructions of the factory.
If the outlet pipe and the security conduit go downwards, there should always be mounted
an automatically aeration at the outlet pipe. Like that air pockets are avoided that could
arise by overheating in the lighting stage. If the connection is carried upwards from the
stove, a drain cock should be mounted at the inlet socket piece.
F. Manometer, if any
G. Admission with cold
water (domestic water)
H. Thermal circuit breaker
with sensor in connect-
ing branch (5). Opens at
I. Safety valve
J. Outlet of the cooking coil
K. Outlet
1. Inlet 3/4" socket piece
2. Outlet 1" socket piece
3. Admission of cooking
4. Outlet of cooling water
5. Sensing socket
Declaration of Conformity
HWAM Heat Design AS
Nydamsvej 53
DK – 8362 Hørning
Tel.: +45 86 92 18 33
Fax: +45 86 92 22 18
hereby declares that:
Product: Type:
Wood-burning stove HWAM Monet with watertank
was manufactured in accordance with the provisions of the following directive:
Reference no. Title:
89/106/EEC Construction Products Directive – CPD
and the following harmonised standards:
No: Title: Version:
EN 13240 Roomheaters fired by solid fuel 2001
EN 13240/A2 Roomheaters fired by solid fuel 2004
and other standards and/or technical specifications
No: Title:
NS 3058 Enclosed wood heaters - Smoke emission
NS 3059 Enclosed wood heaters - Smoke emission
- requirement
Hørning, 21. May 2007
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HWAM Monet H Installationsguide
