Voice List
Select a Voice with the [SELECT] knob.
No. Voice Display MSB LSB PC1
001 Saw Lead 1 SawLead1 104 20 91
002 Saw Lead 2 SawLead2 0 104 82
003 Quack Lead QuackLd 0 112 85
004 Bright Decay BriteDcy 104 21 85
005 Square Lead SquareLd 0 112 81
006 Under Heim UndrHeim 104 51 88
007 Analogon Analogon 104 52 82
008 Synth Brass SynBrass 0 113 64
009 Electric Piano E.Piano 104 28 5
010 DX Electric Piano DXPiano 0 112 6
011 Electric Guitar E.Guitar 104 3 31
012 Jazz Guitar J.Guitar 104 0 27
013 Acoustic Guitar A.Guitar 0 117 26
014 Electric Bass E.Bass 104 6 34
015 Slap Bass SlapBass 0 112 37
016 Synth Bass SynBass 0 112 39
017 DX Bass DXBass 0 118 40
018 Piano Piano 0 112 2
019 Piano & Strings Pno&Strs 104 39 1
020 Piano & Pad Pno&Pad 104 40 1
021 Air Choir AirChoir 0 112 55
022 Strings Strings 0 116 49
023 Brass Brass 0 117 63
024 Trumpet Trumpet 0 115 57
025 Flute Flute 0 115 74
026 Alto Sax AltoSax 104 2 66
027 Tenor Sax TenorSax 104 3 67
028 Harmonica Harmnica 0 112 23
029 House Kit HouseKit 127 0 65
030 Power Kit PowerKit 127 0 88
Voices No. 029 and 030 are Drum Kits. When you select a Drum Kit, various drum and percussion
sounds are assigned to individual keys, from which they can be played. Details on the instruments
and key assignments of each Drum Kit can be found in the Drum Kit List on page20.